my body reFresh - a sisterblog to mysoulrefresh - exploring how the soul and body can move toward greater health...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What do Advent, New Year's and diets have in common?

Any guesses?

One thing that Advent, New Years and Weight Loss often have in common, is the desire for change.

There's something about the Advent season - a desire to focus in on the "true" meaning of Christmas and not get lost in the bustle of commercialism that kindles in our heart as we enter this season. And at New Years - many often think about resolutions of changes they want to make in their lives. Changes financially, physically with diet and exercise, and perhaps spiritually to deepen in connection with the innermost parts of our souls. With any weight loss program, obviously the desire to change health, eating and exercise is also there.

What is also often in common is an unnerving sense of regret....anyone else ever say things like:
  • "This year I was going to 'do' Advent well and not get caught up in all the distractions." 
  • "This year, I was really going to work out 5x a I'm paying $50/month for a gym membership that I don't use...ugh..."
  • "This year, I really wanted to lose the 3lbs a year I've gained since college...I lost the first half, but have gained it all back."

Why is this? Why is it so difficult to move toward transformation of the things we most want?

I'm sure some people have written volumes on this - or I'm sure you could find any number of motivational books and speakers and seminars and conferences to help you along your way toward lasting change. Maybe you've read some...I'd love to hear what has helped you.

For has included some of the following elements:

  1. My motivation has to be internal - not external. In other words, this desire to lose 60 pounds is not so I look better, and is not so much to avoid serious health issues that I was pre-disposed for (heart, diabetes etc). The motivation has to be more for a respect for God giving me breath...and the desire for me wanting to honor Him and me with being healthy - which, in phase I, includes losing weight. (As I transition to Phase II, it will involve developing more and more lifestyle habits of health.)
  2. It requires an honest inventory of my current reality. Step 4 of any 12 step program is taking an honest moral inventory. It requires honestly looking in the mirror at who you've become, how you feel about it, and paying attention to what you wish was different. When I started Take Shape for Life, I took a health inventory that revealed I wasn't healthy, I was merely non-sick. How is your health? (Click here to take an online "How Healthy are You quiz?"
  3. It requires me being in touch with what I want more than a temporary indulgence. When I started this Take Shape for Life journey, I merely wanted to lose weight. But with the help of my free health coach (anyone who does Take Shape for Life gets a free certified health coach to journey with them) I was challenged to dream of positive results I would have as a result of saying "Yes" to this program of health. Walking in the woods when I'm 80 - the ability to have the stamina and energy to be fully present in all of life - to live actively, thriving without the need for meds, Lord willing, to help me live life to the fullest. In moments of temptation (like at a recent trip to a winery) I could say "no" because I wanted something more. Over Thanksgiving I lost 2 pounds and didn't have that exhausted Turkey and fixin's hangover...because I identified what I want more!
  • What do you want?
  • What is your current reality?
  • What do you want more than regret over an Advent that is rushed, a New Year's resolution that is failed or improved health that is sabotaged?
 I'd love to "dialogue" about the journey. Or if you are ready for true and lasting change, please don't hesitate to contact my health coach Kathryn for a free consultation!

Here's to health!

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