my body reFresh - a sisterblog to mysoulrefresh - exploring how the soul and body can move toward greater health...

Friday, December 3, 2010

bodysoul connect #1

Hand washing. We do it every day, multiple times a day. We learn this hygienic responsibility early on as a basic healthy habit. There are signs in almost every public restroom (in the United States that is) and during flu and cold season we're warned that one of our best defenses against catching and spreading colds is to wash our hands frequently.

I'm all for it!

I don't always wash "properly" though - in the habituation of something so familiar, I can mechanically go through the motions without paying attention to the invisible germs that will still be on my hands after I've rushed to move onto the next thing.

But this week, what would it be like to consciously pay attention to what might usually be a rote, mindless behavior. Each time you wash your hands, hold your hands under the running water and pay attention to how the water feels. Is it cold? Is it hot? Is it soothing? If you're stuck at one of those automatic faucets that doesn't like to stay on, pay attention to how you react to it shutting off on you. You might even listen in for a moment and ask God, "God, what is the deeper frustration within me?"

Try to let the water run over your hands for a minute or more...paying attention to how it feels. Take a few deep breaths (unless of course you're in a stinky facility...then skip that part!) And perhaps as you are lathering soap, you might ask God to reveal to you what things on the inside could use a little reFreshing cascade of water and a little scrub? Is there someone you need to forgive? Have you been neglectful of your own health and well-being? What needs cleansing and healing within you?

Maybe you can connect a prayer to your handwashing: "Lord, as the deer pants for water, so my soul thirsts for you..." (ps 42.1) 

You're sure to get a few looks if you're in public while lingering in the lavatory...but try and use what is a frequent daily activity to connect the actions of your body to the needs and condition of your soul.

Let me know what you discover!

mybodyreFresh is a sister blog to and

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